The Clean Slate Initiative’s


Our newly-launched data model offers detailed insights into the crisis of arrest and conviction records in America. The CSI Data Dashboard presents population estimates for people in the U.S. who are impacted by arrest or conviction records, with data further broken down by race, ethnicity, sex, and type of record, within each state and over time.

Scroll down to explore the CSI Data Dashboard below, get the ins and outs of using the dashboard with our user guide, learn about our data model methodology, spread the word with sample graphics and social media posts, find a list of frequently asked questions, and more.

Our Methodology

We have developed a methodology to estimate how many adults are impacted by a record, both in states and nationwide. Our data model is the first of its kind, giving researchers, lawmakers, advocates, and the public the ability to estimate the individual-level impacts of Clean Slate laws broken down by race, ethnicity, sex, and types of records. We use state and federal data sources and apply recidivism, deportation, mortality, and inter-state mobility rates to ensure our estimates account for dynamic population trends. 

We use our data model to examine the impacts of our policies, allowing us to take into account waiting periods and the types of records eligible for Clean Slate automatic clearance and to determine what the impacts of our policies are on racial equity.

How to Use the Dashboard

Samuel Sinyangwe, a data scientist for The Clean Slate Initiative, led the creation of the CSI Data Dashboard as well as the data model that powers it. Below, Sam provides an overview of the CSI Data Dashboard.

Prefer a written walk-through? Click here for our written user guide.

You can also find a list of frequently asked questions about this dashboard on our FAQ page.

You are also invited to watch the recording of our dashboard overview webinar. Tune in on our YouTube channel.

Our Dashboard

Explore our interactive data dashboard below. To learn more about the methodology behind our dashboard’s data model, visit our methodology page.

We appreciate your interest in the Clean Slate Data Dashboard! Your feedback is valuable to us as we continue to improve this resource. Please help us out by taking a few moments to complete this survey.

Help Us Spread the Word

We created a toolkit with sample social media posts, graphics, and more to make it easy to share the news about CSI’s Data Dashboard launch. Please help us spread the word by downloading the toolkit to access the digital assets.

Troubleshooting and Support

While navigating The Clean Slate Initiative Data Dashboard, you may occasionally encounter issues like charts not loading or updates not reflecting immediately. Here are some steps to help you resolve common problems and where to find further assistance.

  • Refresh your browser: If you find yourself stuck or notice that a chart isn’t updating as expected, the first step is to try refreshing your browser. This can often resolve minor glitches and ensure the latest data is displayed.

  • Consult our FAQ: Please refer to our FAQ page for answers to frequently asked questions about using the dashboard, interpreting data, or understanding The Clean Slate Initiative's methodology. This resource is designed to provide quick solutions to common queries and enhance your experience with the dashboard.

  • Contact us for support: Should you have further questions or require personalized support, our team is here to help. Please reach out to us via email at Whether you need assistance navigating the dashboard, have inquiries about the data, or are seeking to support Clean Slate campaigns with data, we’re committed to providing the guidance you need.