Send a Message to Your Congress Representatives to Cosponsor H.R. 2930, The Clean Slate Act of 2023.

We need your support to ensure people with federal records have a real opportunity for a second chance.

Join us in advocating for the significant legislative milestone, H.R. 2930, the Clean Slate Act of 2023, by sending a message to your representatives in Congress to cosponsor this important bill.

The Clean Slate Act will help remove barriers that hinder education, employment, housing, and public safety for people living with a federal record. By sealing eligible records and automating the process, this legislation provides a much-needed path to rehabilitation, reintegration, and the restoration of rights at the federal level. Having a record, even an arrest record, is a significant barrier to economic mobility.

Together, we can help expand access to a real second chance for people with records in America. Your support is vital to creating a future where everyone has access to freedom and the ability to thrive. Don’t wait; take action today!